Click on publication titles to access text (PDF or online access). Publication profile also available at [Google Scholar] and [Researchgate].
Differentiated, rather than shared, strategies for time-coordinated action in social and non-social domains in autistic individuals (2023)
Bloch, C., Viswanathan, S., Tepest, R., Jording, M., Falter-Wagner, C., & Vogeley, K. Cortex, in press [] Topics: Autism, time-coordination, action synchronization, pointing, multi-sensory perception, periodicity Methods: Movement tracking, Principal Components Analysis |
Recovered grasping performance after stroke depends on interhemispheric frontoparietal connectivity (2022)
Hensel, L., Lange, F., Tscherpel, C., Viswanathan, S., , Freytag, J., Volz, L., Eickhoff, S., Fink, G. R., & Grefkes, C. Brain, Vol. 146, No. 3, pp. 1006 - 1020. [] Topics: Stroke recovery, motor networks, reaching, grasping Methods: Movement tracking, FMRI, TMS, Connectivity |
To engage or not engage: Early incentive motivation prevents symptoms of chronic post-stroke depression – A longitudinal study (2023)
Koob, J., Viswanathan, S., Mustin, M., Mallick, I., Krick, S., Fink, G. R., Grefkes, C., & Rehme, A. K. NeuroImage : Clinical, Vol. 37, 103360. [] Topics: Stroke recovery, post-stroke depression, effort, motivation, incentive, grip force control Methods: Grip force dynamometer, real-time visual feedback, monetary rewards, longitudinal tracking |
Robustness of individualized inferences from longitudinal resting state EEG dynamics (2022)
Hommelsen, M., Viswanathan, S., & Daun, S. European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 56, No. 1., pp. 3613 – 3644. [] Topics: Neural plasticity, resting state, individualization, person identification Methods: Longitudinal tracking, EEG, Machine Learning, ensemble classifiers |
An individualized functional magnetic resonance imaging protocol to assess semantic congruency effects on episodic memory in an aging multilingual population (2022)
Perquin M., Viswanathan S., Vaillant M., Risius O., Huiart L., Schmit J-C., Diederich N. J., Fink G. R., and Kukolja J. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14 : 873376. [] Topics: Aging, memory (episodic, semantic), multilingualism, individualization Methods: Object (picture, word) recognition, multilingual stimulus library, FMRI |
The capacity and organization of gustatory working memory (2022)
Lim, S. X. L., Hoechenberger, R., Ruda, I., Fink, G. R., Viswanathan, S.*, & Ohla, K.* [*=equal contribution] Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, 8056. [] Topics: Taste, Working Memory, capacity, stimulus similarity, Methods: List memory, gustometer, behavior |
Dissociating passage and duration of time experiences through the intensity of ongoing visual change (2022)
Jording, M., Vogel, D. H., Viswanathan, S., & Vogeley, K. Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, 8226. [] Topics: Time experience, passage of time, duration estimation Methods: Visual motion, online experiment, behavior |
A response-locking protocol to boost sensitivity for fMRI-based neurochronometry (2020)
Viswanathan, S.*, Abdollahi, R.O.*, Wang, B.A., Grefkes, C., Fink, G.R. & Daun, S. [*=equal contribution] Human Brain Mapping, 41, pp. 3420– 3438. [] Topics: Decision making, motor networks, Response Time, Neural timing Methods: Random Dot Motion stimuli, FMRI, multivariate time-series analysis |
The role of dopamine in dynamic effort-reward integration (2020)
Michely, J., Viswanathan, S., Hauser, T. U., Delker, L., Dolan, R. J. & Grefkes, C. Neuropsychopharmacology, [] Topics: Effort, reward processing, dopamine, grip force control Methods: Grip force dynamometer, real-time visual feedback, monetary rewards, L-DOPA/haloperidol/placebo |
Invasive versus non-invasive mapping of the motor cortex (2020).
Weiss Lucas, C., Nettekoven, C., Neuschmelting, V., Oros-Peusquens, A., Stoffels, G., Viswanathan, S., Rehme, A. K., Faymonville, A. M., Shah, N. J., Langen, K. J., Goldbrunner, R., & Grefkes, C. Human Brain Mapping, 41, pp 3970– 3983. [] Topics: Neurosurgical planning, Motor cortex mapping [hand, foot, tongue] Methods: Direct Cortical Stimulation (DCS), FMRI, TMS, computational geometry |
Freely chosen and instructed actions are terminated by different neural mechanisms revealed by kinematics-informed EEG (2019)
Viswanathan, S.*, Wang, B.A.*, Abdollahi, R.O., Daun, S., Grefkes, C. & Fink, G.R. [*=equal contribution] NeuroImage, 188, pp. 26-42 [] Topics: Volition, response selection, motor control, Methods: Movement tracking (accelerometer), EEG, time-frequency analysis (phase, power dynamics), spatial filter |
Aging-associated changes of movement-related functional connectivity in the human brain (2018)
Rosjat, N., Liu, L., Wang, B.A., Popovych, S., Toth, T.I., Viswanathan, S., Grefkes, C., Fink, G.R. & Daun, S. Neuropsychologia, 117, pp. 520-529 [] Topics: Aging, voluntary action, dynamic functional connectivity Methods: EEG, time-frequency analysis, functional connectivity (phase-locking value), graphs |
Predicting IDH genotype in gliomas using FET PET radiomics (2018)
Lohmann, P., Lerche, C., Bauer, E.K. Steger., J., Stoffels, G., Blau, T., Dunkl, V., Kocher, M., Viswanathan, S., Filss, C. P., Stegmayr, C., Neumaier, B., Shah, N.J., Fink, G. R., Langen, K.J. & Galldiks, N. Scientific Reports, 8:13328 [] Combined FET PET/MRI radiomics differentiates radiation injury from recurrent brain metastasis (2018) Lohmann, P., Kocher, M., Ceccon, G., Bauer, E.K., Stoffels, G., Viswanathan, S., Ruge, M. I., Neumaier, B., Shah, N. J., Fink, G. R., Langen, K.J. & Galldiks, N. Neuroimage: Clinical, Vol. 20, pp 537 - 542. [] Topics: Neuro-oncology, radiomics Methods: Positron Emission Tomography (PET), radiomics, image classification |
Age-related changes in oscillatory power affect motor action (2017)
Liu, L., Rosjat, N., Popovych, S., Wang, B.A., Yeldesbay, A., Toth, T. I., Viswanathan, S., Grefkes, C., Fink, G.R., & Daun, S. PloS One, 12(11): e0187911 Topics: Aging, voluntary action, oscillations Methods: EEG, time-frequency analysis, phase-locking |
Frequency-specific modulation of connectivity in the ipsilateral sensorimotor cortex by different forms of movement initiation (2017)
Wang, B.A., Viswanathan, S., Abdollahi, R.O., Rosjat, N., Popovych, S., Daun, S., Grefkes, C., & Fink, G.R. NeuroImage, Vol 159, pp. 248-260. Topics: Voluntary action, oscillations, functional connectivity Methods: EEG, time-frequency analysis, power, functional connectivity (phase coherence) |
Movement-related phase locking in the delta–theta frequency band (2016)
Popovych, S., Rosjat, N., Toth, T.I., Wang, B.A., Liu, L., Abdollahi, R.O., Viswanathan, S., Grefkes, C., Fink, G.R. & Daun, S. NeuroImage, Vol 139, pp.439-449. Topics: Voluntary action, oscillations, phase relationships Methods: EEG, time-frequency analysis, phase-locking |
Coupling between theta oscillations and cognitive control network during cross-modal visual and auditory attention: Supramodal vs Modality specific mechanisms (2016)
Wang, W., Viswanathan, S., Lee, T., & Grafton, S. T. PloS One, 11(7), e0158465. Topics: Multi-sensory attention, audition, vision Methods: Simultaneous EEG-FMRI, time-frequency analysis, |
Dopaminergic modulation of motor network dynamics in Parkinson’s disease (2015)
Michely, J., Volz, L. J., Barbe, M. T., Hoffstaedter, F., Viswanathan, S., Timmermann, L., Eickhoff, S., Fink, G.R., & Grefkes, C.
Brain, pp. 664-678
Topics: Parkinson's disease, voluntary action, dopamine, effective connectivity
Methods: FMRI, Dynamical Causal Models (DCM)
Michely, J., Volz, L. J., Barbe, M. T., Hoffstaedter, F., Viswanathan, S., Timmermann, L., Eickhoff, S., Fink, G.R., & Grefkes, C.
Brain, pp. 664-678
Topics: Parkinson's disease, voluntary action, dopamine, effective connectivity
Methods: FMRI, Dynamical Causal Models (DCM)
Rethinking the role of motor simulation in perceptual decisions (2015) [Book chapter]
Grafton, S.T. & Viswanathan, S
Progress in Motor Control, pp. 69-90, Springer New York
Topics: Motor cognition, motor imagery, action perception, multi-sensory perception, vision, proprioception
Methods: Behavior, Response Times
Grafton, S.T. & Viswanathan, S
Progress in Motor Control, pp. 69-90, Springer New York
Topics: Motor cognition, motor imagery, action perception, multi-sensory perception, vision, proprioception
Methods: Behavior, Response Times
Feature interactions enable decoding of sensorimotor transformations for goal-directed movement (2014)
Barany, D., Della-Maggiore, V., Viswanathan, S., Cieslak, M., & Grafton, S. T. Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 34, No. 20, pp 6860 - 6873 Topics: Motor representations, motor control Methods: FMRI, movement kinematic tracking, Machine Learning |
Telling the right hand from the left hand: Multisensory integration, not motor imagery, solves the problem (2012)
Viswanathan, S., Fritz, C., & Grafton, S. T.
Psychological Science, Vol 23, No. 6, pp. 598-607.
Topics: Motor cognition, motor imagery, mental rotation, body perception, multi-sensory perception, vision, proprioception
Methods: Behavior, Response Times
Viswanathan, S., Fritz, C., & Grafton, S. T.
Psychological Science, Vol 23, No. 6, pp. 598-607.
Topics: Motor cognition, motor imagery, mental rotation, body perception, multi-sensory perception, vision, proprioception
Methods: Behavior, Response Times
Pouring or chilling a bottle of wine: an fMRI study on the prospective planning of object-directed actions (2012)
Van Elk, M., Viswanathan, S., Van Schie, H. T., Bekkering, H., & Grafton, S. T.
Experimental Brain Research, Vol. 218, No. 2, 189-200.
Topics: Motor cognition, motor imagery, action perception, semantic memory
Methods: FMRI, behavior
Van Elk, M., Viswanathan, S., Van Schie, H. T., Bekkering, H., & Grafton, S. T.
Experimental Brain Research, Vol. 218, No. 2, 189-200.
Topics: Motor cognition, motor imagery, action perception, semantic memory
Methods: FMRI, behavior
Modulations of ongoing alpha oscillations predict successful short-term visual memory encoding (2012)
Nenert, R., Viswanathan, S., Dubuc, D. M., & Visscher, K. M.
Frontiers in human neuroscience, Vol. 6, pp. 127.
Topics: Vision, short-term memory, alpha oscillations
Methods: EEG, behavior
Nenert, R., Viswanathan, S., Dubuc, D. M., & Visscher, K. M.
Frontiers in human neuroscience, Vol. 6, pp. 127.
Topics: Vision, short-term memory, alpha oscillations
Methods: EEG, behavior
On the geometric structure of fMRI searchlight-based information maps (2012) [Preprint]
Viswanathan, S., Cieslak, M., & Grafton, S. T.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.6317.
Topics: Pattern analysis, statistical inference, methodology
Methods: FMRI, Mathematical and computational modeling
Viswanathan, S., Cieslak, M., & Grafton, S. T.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.6317.
Topics: Pattern analysis, statistical inference, methodology
Methods: FMRI, Mathematical and computational modeling
Homogeneity computation: How interitem similarity in visual short-term memory alters recognition (2010)
Viswanathan, S., Perl, D. R., Visscher, K. M., Kahana, M. J., & Sekuler, R. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Vol 17, No. 11, 59-65. Topics: Vision, short-term memory Methods: Behavior, computational modeling |
pre-2009 (selected)
The secondary substrate problem in Co-Evolution and Developmental-Evolution (2007)
Viswanathan, S.
PhD dissertation, Brandeis University
Viswanathan, S.
PhD dissertation, Brandeis University
Product configuration optimization for disassembly planning: A differential approach (2006)
Viswanathan, S., & Allada, V.
Omega, Vol 34. No. 6, pp. 599-616
Viswanathan, S., & Allada, V.
Omega, Vol 34. No. 6, pp. 599-616
How Artificial Ontogenies can retard evolution (2005)
Viswanathan, S. & Pollack, J.B.
SEEDS workshop at the 2005 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), pp. 273 - 280, ACM Press.
Viswanathan, S. & Pollack, J.B.
SEEDS workshop at the 2005 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), pp. 273 - 280, ACM Press.
Configuration analysis to support product redesign for end-of-life disassembly (2001)
Viswanathan, S., & Allada, V.
International Journal of Production Research, Vol 39. No. 8, pp. 1733-1753.
Viswanathan, S., & Allada, V.
International Journal of Production Research, Vol 39. No. 8, pp. 1733-1753.
A framework for the flexible grouping of products for disassembly (1999)
Viswanathan, S., & Allada, V.
Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Vol. 9, No. 01, pp. 53-66.
Viswanathan, S., & Allada, V.
Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Vol. 9, No. 01, pp. 53-66.